ulberon wrote: > I guess to get right to the point, I know cuda is fairly popular right now (though it only works on nvidia cards, and only on 8000 series or later).Is there someway to compute the same thing using GLSL? There are. However that won't work for regular math functions in code. The biggest problem with just using GLSL (or any part of the standard rendering) is the way GPUs work. They process everything based on a long pipeline. You give them something and they eventually getting to it ... when drawing on the screen. CPUs execute the code as soon as they see it. ulberon wrote: > A consistent complaint about all the games under wine is that the CPU usage always shoots to 100% (and the same program doesn't experience this in Windows). This is simply not true. I've yet to see a game that does not use 100% of the CPU (on windows). Mine sweeper excluded. Wine will always have bigger overhead in CPU just because it has to "convert" all the d3d into OpenGL. Which requires lots of extra operations such as state tracking that are not present on windows.