Fazer wrote: > I got an idea that possibly could improve performance - installing winetricks directx9. I did it, but it seems like nothing happened - the games run in the same manner, they still have the same graphical bugs. How can I checked if DirectX 9 have been installed correctly? Do I have to enable usage of native Windows libraries in Winecfg? If yes, then which - all of them? Everything I've read basically says never to use native directx for anything. Every now and again someone will post in appdb or on a forum saying "I installed directx9 and made <insert completely random unrelated direct.dll's here> native, etc etc". I've never installed directx9, I don't recommend it. The three things I posted at the top make the biggest difference. Sometimes messing with the registry helps as well (usually to tell a program to use opengl, if it supports it): http://wiki.winehq.org/UsefulRegistryKeys On a side note, has anyone compared the FPS of a windows game using opengl in windows against the same windows program in wine using opengl? I should have done this when I still had a second hard drive, WoW supports opengl encase anyone is interested....