The error made me think some root permission was required somewhere, and since wine should already be running as administrator I was trying various means to satisfy this. I removed the .wine folder before trying again and posting here, just to make sure that was not the problem. I tried changing the windows emulator to win98 and I got a little further (But why would it be necessary to switch to 98 mode if wine already has administrator privileges on the "windows" side? I saw no mention of this issue in the forum or FAQ.) Now I get a splash screen from the Corel Setup Wizard, and a message that Setup32 is already running. It won't continue without shutting that process down itself (and then the install ends). I rebooted the machine and checked the system processes to make sure an old install process wasn't running and tried again, but I get the same error. I also tried running the install from the terminal window after cd-ing to the CD drive ... same thing happened. Thank you for your assistance