Currently when I type in example > wine iexplore I get the error > > wine: failed to initialized: /usr/local/lib/wine/ cannot open shared object file: no such file or directory I dont recall how I installed wine previously but I know it had so many errors before recently I typed in last time > yum install wine and it said it installed... If I uninstall it though yum and type in wine it still exists so I don't know how to completely UNINSTALL wine so i can REINSTALL wine to see if that will fix the error. I AM missing that wine directory in the usr local lib and DO NOT know how to get it because wine seems to NOT reinstall properly or uninstall... If I try to use the Source to install wine I also get error what is the deal? Where should I start first? I think I should uninstall completely but do not know how :( Looks like there is a lot of flaws[/quote]