In which registry file? Looks like there is something more to add then because the only occurrence of HKEY is with the .NET and Java. There is no registry entry simply starting with HKEY and probably I will have to know the path to the .NET application like here: [Software\\Microsoft\\.NETFramework\\Policy\\AppPatch\\v2.0.50727.00000\\winword.exe\\{2CCAA9FE-6884-4AF2-99DD-5217B94115DF}\\Registry Keys\\{2CCAA9FE-6884-4AF2-99DD-5217B94115DF}] 1216821126 "Key Name"="HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\Interface\\{000C0601-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}" "Key Presence"=dword:00000000 Please however note that on this test MS office is not installed, this patch on winword.exe is only for Trados. The HKEY is also not the same number as the number on the first line.