Thanks for the tip about pressing ok--stupid on my part to not think of that. However, there seem to be other help problems also. 1. When the help topic is displayed, the text is so small that it is hard to read. In fact all the text in Word is very small--the menu bar text, the toolbar tips, the status bar text, etc. Is there any way to increase the text size on all of this? 2. When I bring up Word 97 in windows and click help>Contents and Index, I get a completely different help window that I get under wine. The windows version is titled "Help Topics : Microsoft Word". Under that it has 3 tabs--Contents, Index, Find. Under Contents and Find, the topic pertain to Word. The wine version is an untitled box with a menu bar that has "File, Edit, Bookmark, Option, Help. Then it has 3 tabs--Summary, Index, and Back. Summary is blank. Index displays a new window with Index and Search tabs. Index gives the same topics as Index under windows. Search says it is not implemented. However, I find no way of getting the Word topics like I get under windows. My conclusion is that I must not have the help function correctly loaded. Maybe the fact that it has a Menu bar with File>Open means it wants me to select a file and load it. However, I can't because no dot files (.wine) are displayed. Anyone know how I can get the same Word help in wine that I get in windows. Ralph