The way I got it to work was to install ies4linux ( This installs a copy of Internet Explorer on your system. I used it to go to the blizzard account page and clicked to download my game. It asked me if I wanted to save or run it. I told it to run. The downloader will then come up and download the game. When it's done, look at the blizzard web page. You'll notice a small white link that says show key. Click on that and copy the 26 character key it generates. Close everything and kill the wineserver thats running. Now, go to your home directory and cd to: .ies4linux/ie6/drive_c/Program Files/<Game Installer Directory> and rune the Installer.exe using Wine. Tell it to install the game when the menu comes up. It'll give you a garbled EULA screen, which you just need to scroll to the end and click accept. It'll then ask you for the key, which you just paste in and hit OK. Game will install. Enjoy! *NOTE: This doesn't seem to work for Diablo II's installer. There appears to be a problem with the EULA screen. I have no clue what, tho.