Hi All, I have installed Wine 1 on Gentoo under OpenVZ, and have winecgf appearing nicely on my desktop. I have an old notes 4.5 server which is still doing what I want, hosted until recently under Win2K. I thought I'd virtualise it and turn off the hardware for good. I have long since lost/binned the install disks, so I built a squeaky new Win2K installtion and applied SP4. I copied the notes directory across, and then the notes.ini file into \winnt. It wouldn't start, so I added Netbeui to the supported protocols and up she came straight away. I bzipped up the win2k directory, notes directory and ini file and installed this under wine. I added paths to the win2k directory and win2k/system32 directory *after* the wine dirs in system.reg and tried to start notes (nserver.exe) by navigating into the notes home directory and typing 'wine nserver.exe'. After a while, a 'DOS' window comes up on my desktop, as it does under Win2K Code: Lotus Domino r Server, Release 4.5a (Intl), 20 December 1996 Copyright c 1985-1996, Lotus Development Corporation, All Rights Reserved That's as far as it gets. I started nserver as follows:- Code: paul@grunt ~/.wine/drive_d/notes $ wine nserver.exe fixme:win:GetWindowPlacement not supported on other process window 0x10024 fixme:netbios:Netbios NCBADDNAME: stub, returning success Under Win2K, this is what I get and I can connect and use the server from my client... Code: Lotus Domino r Server, Release 4.5a (Intl), 20 December 1996 Copyright c 1985-1996, Lotus Development Corporation, All Rights Reserved 25/06/2008 16:55:19 Informational: The registry value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\PriorityControl\Win32PrioritySeparation is currently set to 2. For better server performance, change the setting to 0 25/06/2008 16:55:22 This system is a NetBIOS name server for port LAN0 25/06/2008 16:55:22 Database Replicator started 25/06/2008 16:55:25 Mail Router started for domain PAUL INGRAM GROUP 25/06/2008 16:55:25 Router: Internet SMTP host rabbit in domain 25/06/2008 16:55:30 Index update process started 25/06/2008 16:55:35 Stats agent shutdown 25/06/2008 16:55:40 Agent Manager started 25/06/2008 16:55:41 AMgr: Executive '1' started 25/06/2008 16:55:41 AMgr: Database 'SMTPAG.NSF' is read-only. Skipping database 25/06/2008 16:55:45 No Administration Server has been designated for the Public Address Book. 25/06/2008 16:55:45 Administration Process started 25/06/2008 16:55:50 Schedule Manager started 25/06/2008 16:55:50 SchedMgr: Validating Schedule Database 25/06/2008 16:55:50 SchedMgr: Error processing calendar profile document (NoteID: NT000020FA) in database GroupCalendar.nsf: Specified item is not present 25/06/2008 16:55:50 Error validating user Staff while processing calendar appointment (NoteID: NT00002102) in database GroupCalendar.nsf: Specified item is not present 25/06/2008 16:55:50 SchedMgr: Done validating Schedule Database 25/06/2008 16:55:50 SchedMgr: Calculating hourly statistics 25/06/2008 16:55:50 SchedMgr: Done calculating hourly statistics 25/06/2008 16:55:55 Calendar Connector started 25/06/2008 16:56:00 Database Server started > Any (constructive) ideas, please? Best Regards, Paul.