On Sun, Jun 22, 2008 at 4:44 AM, miciomax <wineforum-user@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > epsilon_da wrote: >> >> About starting a new AutoCAD clone. I am an electronics student and i want to start an open Electronic CAD, which in some parts share the same widgets as a complete CAD. So it can be a joined project. Making good CAD widget can be made multiple kinds of CADs for different applications. >> How many here are interested to start such a project? > > > Hemm... sorry but I've already heard many times that one... Just look on how many cad projects started and went to nothing. I must admit that I tried it too, some time ago... but it's too much for one person (well, if you own enough money that you can live without working, and if you prefere spend 8-10 ours a day on PC instead of going to the beach, maybe in 10 years you can....). > > The only goot start I've seen in the past was intellicad one, it was opensource then, but... some "very intelligent" (??) people started to compile it, rename it and selling it as a propietary app, so intellicad consortium closed sources again. > One stuff that could be (realistically) done would be to join about 50-100 interested developers, join intellicad consortium (which costs money), join opendwg alliance, at source level (which cost much money) and start a true porting to linux. > Ah, I forgot, we'd need also a Spatial license for 3d. > BUT, developed cad couldn't be made opensource, because of non-disclosure agreements, so couldn't also not use gpl stuffs on it.... It could just be another closed source app targeted to linux/mac. Maybe not a bad idea, but economically not rentable, imho. > > Max > > > > > > This discussion is not related to wine, please take it elsewhere.