On Sat, Jun 21, 2008 at 12:20 PM, bgood <wineforum-user@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:> I have a PC running Ubuntu 8.04 with Wine 1.0.0 and I am attempting to install Log Book Pro (http://logbookpro.com/). I've attempted the install multiple times, with and without winetricks downloads implemented, but always with the same results. The program installs, opens but has very limited functions that respond (ie the menus/buttons show options but then nothing happens with most of them). Once you close the program, the next time you open it you get the usual pop-up asking you to Buy, Evaluate or Register. When I click Evaluate it literally takes over 5 minutes for the application to open -- the initial opening takes about 15 seconds. When I've used winetricks I've tried usuing: flash, gecko, jet40, mdac28, msxml6, vcrun2008, allfonts, and fakeie6 in various combinations and none of these seems to change anything.>> I've copied the Term Output from running the command line install into a text file but don't see a way to attach a file to the post. I apologize for putting the output directly into this post but don't see another option for providing the info.>> Thanks for the help.>> ÿbobg@HardyU8:~$ rm -rf /home/bobg/.wine> bobg@HardyU8:~$ wine /home/bobg/desktop/lbproNoMSI.exe cd to the directory first