Now some tricky stuffs. It's MUCH better (IMO) to have each wine application installed in a "separate bottle", i.e. in a different wineprefix, as some dll overrides that work for one can made another unusable. So, inside terminal (you have it still open, do you ? :-) ): Code: export WINEPREFIX=/home/yourusername/.wine-acad where 'yourusername' is, strangely, Your User Name ! Now configure wine... just the audio stuff, rest is ok for now Code: winecfg Now you NEED a dll from windows xp, in detail 'shlwapi.dll'. If you don't, you'll run autocad but you'll be NOT able to register it, so just demo mode. Well, grab the dll and copy it inside Code: ~/.wine-acad/drive_c/windows/system32 now, again configure wine and set shlwapi.dll as NATIVE : Code: winecfg (select Libraries, then dig and find shlwapi and set it as native) Now, inside the terminal, CD to your autocad install folder (can be on cd or on a local copy), where the 'setup.exe' file is located. BEWARE, don't close terminal, or if you did you must do again the Code: export WINEPREFIX=/home/yourusername/.wine-acad Before installing, last step....using winetricks you MUST install DOTNET20 and MSXML3. Code: wget ./winetricks (and select COREFONTS, DOTNET2.0 and MSXML3) Now, just install autocad as usual : Code: wine setup Now you can close terminal; you can create a launcher on desktop to run autocad; the command line is Code: env WINEPREFIX="/home/yourusername/.wine-acad" wine "C:/Programmi/AutoCAD 2005/acad.exe" Well, if you've got english, replace 'Programmi' with 'Program Files', of course. Ciao Max