Wine doesn't know anything about your XP installation, so that's not the
problem. No conspiracy theories here please. The problem actually is
that you are missing mfc42.dll - as you would see if you would run the
installer from the command line and try to parse the multitude of error
messages. If you copy mfc42.dll from the windows partition to wine:
(you may have to adapt this for your system)
cp /mnt/sda1/windows/system32/mfc42.dll ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32
then run the installer again, all should work hunky dory.
Hiisi wrote:
I'm new to Linux and Wine. I'm using Linux Fedora 7 and Wine 0.9.58. On my computer there's another operating system – Windows XP. Now I'm trying to install Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Professional on Fedora. And I can't do it. When the installation process begins there's an error message - “A trial edition is already installed on this computer. You must uninstall the previous trial before installing another trial edition.”. VS was installed in Windows and I was thought there's some information about it on HDD in system volume (I mean somewhere in that unmarked 8 MB volume). So, I uninstalled it in Windows but still have the same problem. I tried to clean up all records about Visual Studio in Wine regedit. There were few records about installation process after first try. That didn't help
either. Can anyone help please?