Following upgrading from etch to lenny (Debian Linux i386 gnome) the two Windods applications that I used either do not start or lack functionality. Installed wine wine_bin wine_utils libwine_alsa _cms _gl _gphoto _ldap vers 1.0-rc1-1_print _sane. I have purged out completely all these file and reinstalled. Same errors below: The application that does not start: francesco@deb32:~$ "/home/francesco/.wine/drive_c/myfirstprogram.EXE" fixme:ole:CoResumeClassObjects stub francesco@deb32:~$ francesco@deb32:~$ wine "c:\myfirstprogram.EXE" fixme:ole:CoResumeClassObjects stub francesco@deb32:~$ The application that lacks functionality: francesco@deb32:~$ "/home/francesco/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/mysecondprogram.exe" fixme:msvcrt:__lconv_init stub fixme:shdocvw:PersistStreamInit_InitNew (0x16f2c0) err:ole:ITypeInfo_fnInvoke did not find member id -518, flags 0x4! err:ole:ITypeInfo_fnInvoke did not find member id -517, flags 0x4! fixme:shdocvw:OleInPlaceObject_InPlaceDeactivate (0x16f2c0) fixme:shdocvw:OleObject_Close (0x16f2c0)->(1) fixme:win:LockWindowUpdate (0x10098), partial stub! fixme:win:LockWindowUpdate ((nil)), partial stub! Thanks for any suggestion to fix the problems. chiendarret