Good evening! So, I have a problem with installing this game on ubuntu-linux. I tried it with Wine which turned out not to be able to set the doublebuffer in the configuration menu. First there were no problems, but after having installed quite half of the game there was an issue: Though the Error came in German (cause the game in German - anyway, I am a German guy ^^) The Google-translation-programme translated following: Error feature running Feature: Expansion Packs Component: Packs File D: \ main \ packs \ data_2.pack Description: Not Ready There's a problem with this data. I tried istall cedega 6.0.2 as well, which worked without problems. But it seems not to find the game, so it wouldn't install it. Can anyone help me to get the game run on my ubuntu? I'm quite a noob in these matters, though I tried quite a long time to do it myself. I looked through many forums and tried quite a lot of things to get it run. Please explain in an easy English to me (surely you see, that my English's not that great) Thanks in advance ;)