I have made a simple program, but results from both windows and wine are quite different. Is this a bug in my program or in wine? Any advice is appreciated :) /* result under windows: { } [successed: 1085440]{ } result under wine(linux): { } [successed: 0]{ */ #include <windows.h> #include "psapi.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #pragma comment ( lib, "psapi.lib" ) void GetCurrentProcessMemory () { PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS pmc; printf("{\n}"); bool ret=GetProcessMemoryInfo ( GetCurrentProcess() , &pmc, sizeof ( pmc ) ); if (ret) printf("\n[successed: %d]", (int)pmc.WorkingSetSize); else printf("\n<failed>"); printf("{\n}"); } void main() { GetCurrentProcessMemory(); }