Dear All, I have a windows application running under wine on my Linux machine (Ubuntu 8.04, with wine 0.9.61). When the application starts it complains about a font called Fixedsys not being available. I can click thro the message and the application starts no problem and appears to be working correctly, so this issue isn't a show stopper, just an annoyance and is the last thing before this very old windows application runs smoothly under wine and Linux. I can find no Fixedsys.fon file on the web and nothing except that Fixedsys is (was?) a windows system font. A friend has found an entry for it in his XP registry, [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\FontMapper] "FIXEDSYS"=dword:00009000 Searching in the wine registry for "fixedsys" brings up nothing. Can anyone shed any light on this? Thank you for your help Hilary