On Sun, 2008-05-11 at 13:59 -0500, dimesio wrote: > > Thing we can figure out browsing your application database is that lot of major games are for the better at bronze state of emulation, and people are quickly discouraged to get their favorite game emulated so we can read in lot of forums " We can't play recent game on Linux and we never will" > > > According to the main page of the AppDB, nine of the top ten platinum apps and nine of the top ten gold apps are games. My first impression of Wine, in fact, was that it was mainly aimed at gamers. > > > The only reason I still have Windows installed is for games, which is probably not a unique statement. I'm happy with alternative software, open source, great no problem. I've got a user support background and can definitely see people who are incapable and/or uninterested in even small concessions in their tasks/activities... Interesting discussion in this thread.