On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 1:12 AM, gnivler <wineforum-user@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > I'm a newbie, sorry in advance :p I have been searching here and reading threads and can't seem to find an answer, hence this post. I saw a nice example of what I am trying to do so I'll copy that format and perhaps it will illustrate better than I can explain. I'm using Ubuntu Hardy, 64bit. Very nicely done, btw. > mason@mason-desktop:~$ ./winetricks vcrun2005 > preloader: Warning: failed to reserve range 00000000-00010000 This is unrelated, but see http://wiki.winehq.org/PreloaderPageZeroProblem to silence that warning. > mason@mason-desktop:~$ ls -la .wine/drive_c/windows/system32/msvc* > -rw-r--r-- 1 mason mason 2456 2008-05-09 01:56 .wine/drive_c/windows/system32/msvcrt.dll You found a bug! Looks like the switch to windows xp as default broke this. As a workaround, do sh winetricks win2k vcrun2005 I'll upload a fixed winetricks today, thanks. - Dan