I just tried Morrowind (this time i didn't install Bloodmoon expansion) and Guild Wars with Wine 0.9.58, but they still crash! Guild Wars (which is platinum) says that there's an irreversible error with my video card and gives me this link: http://eu.guildwars.com/support/article/graphics_driver_failure_detected/ I tried to start it both with wine "C:\Programmi\GUILD WARS\Gw.exe" and wine "C:\Programmi\GUILD WARS\Gw.exe" -dx8 -nosound -noshaders -windowed but result is the same... Morrowind crashes like with Wine 0.9.60. Here is the log for Wine 0.9.60 that i copied this morning: http://pastebin.com/m1c6ccebe If you need any other info, just ask. Now i'm going to compile Wine 0.9.61 from sources and let you know if the problem is still present...