> Don't do that. Instead, do > wget http://kegel.com/wine/winetricks > sh winetricks vcrun6 wsh56 > as I suggested earlier. It will install the DLLs properly. I did do this, and then copied the remainder of the VB dlls from my windows directory into the WINE directory. Presumably they are not installed and so won't be used? > You might also need to do > sh winetricks mdac27 > or possibly even > sh winetricks art2kmin > or > sh winetricks jet40 Have done this and there are no more VB error message dialogs! Thank you. I am still having problems running the program. I think this relates to internal procedural calls and I'll have to do some more testing. However, trying to uninstall the software fails. The software's uninstall wizard runs but finishes by stating "The wizard was interrupted before Aquator could be completely installed. Your system has not been modified. To complete installation at another time, please run setup again." Any ideas how to uninstall? Thank you for all your help so far.