@vitamin...I've a few things now (sorry, my english isn't that good, so I might have missunderstood some things) First: Why are you so angry? I don't get it yet...I want to know what is the problem exactly...if I understand it right, the problem are the many other directX dlls that are overriting the builtin ones...so if a user then have a bug you can't determine if the bug is a really wine bug, or it is a directX bug, caused by the careless installation of DX9. Is that right? But back to your 2 questions: I think "Tlarhices" is right...the problem is, that most users are seeing, that the game *wants* maybe a directX_36.dll or a function out of this dll. Instead of downloading this dll from a mirror (there are enough of them) they simple download directX9 and install it...the effect (for the user) is the same: the game is working I've installed directX because I read that TM:Nations Forever will work when you install it...I will try to simple download the dll that the game wants... And Vitamin...don't be so rough...you don't have to offend(?) me or someone else