Before i do anything i would like to know if i can remove these lines from the system.reg [Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Telephony\\Country List\\........... There are loads of them in here. As i will only be using the UK 0044 code is there any point in the rest of them. [Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Time Zones\\....... There are loads of these in here. As i am not going to move out of the UK is there any point in the rest of them. [Software\\Microsoft\\DirectPlay\\Service Providers\\Modem Connection For DirectPlay] 1206227651 "DescriptionA"="Modem Connection For DirectPlay" "DescriptionW"="Modem Connection For DirectPlay" "dwReserved1"=dword:00000000 "dwReserved2"=dword:00000000 "Guid"="{44EAA760-CB68-11cf-9C4E-00A0C905425E}" "Path"="dpmodemx.dll" As i am very going to have a modem on this PC or running any apps that run under wine using a modem would this be ok to remove? [Software\\Microsoft\\DirectPlay\\Service Providers\\Serial Connection For DirectPlay] 1206227651 "DescriptionA"="Serial Connection For DirectPlay" "DescriptionW"="Serial Connection For DirectPlay" "dwReserved1"=dword:00000000 "dwReserved2"=dword:00000000 "Guid"="{0F1D6860-88D9- As this PC / Server is not going to have comms (except network), Could i take this line out ???????