Hi guys, I have recently started using Gutsy gibbon, (2 wks) and have installed wine via synaptic. everything went ok. I read the instructions on the wiki in regard of loading windows programs. I want to run Compupic photodex ProShow Gold, which according to the appdb should run. So I copied the pro show Gold Zip and the Photodex presenter folder from my downloaded programs folder on my windows HD and placed it into a new folder I made at /home/windows+programs/ on my ubuntu drive. Then I unpacked the zip, using archive manager, I then copied the .exe file to the home/.wine/ dir right clicked the exe, and asked to open with wine. The installation screens appeared and all went well. on completion a dialog stated that I needed to install Arial tru type font. So I did that via synaptic again. I then used the wine menu to start the program. I get the splash screen and then nothing else. I have also tried via the terminal with the same result. Obviously I have done something wrong. Any guidance anyone?