Hi, This probably seems somewhat reaching since CrossOver isn't Wine, but well, it's built on Wine, so I thought I might just answer here anyway. I'm running WoW through Innerspace, which causes some weird problems. With Innerspace loaded together with WoW it'll act as alt + shift is being held down. Innerspace has an alias binded to alt + shift + t which will make WoW go into "tiny mode". But in my case, if I just type the letter "t" it'll go into tiny mode. I also have some problems with the charset or something like that, this is what my console look like: [Image: http://pici.se/pictures/DLXQmvEaD.png ] Shouldn't look like that :) I've tried to install Courier, Tahoma and Verdana, but that didn't solve anything. I don't know if anyone else here has experienced anything like this with Wine and Innerspace/WoW, or if anyone here even uses Innerspace. But I thought it was worth a shot.