Dan Kegel wrote: > > There's already msvcr70 in the wine tree. Is it not sufficient? > And you can already install native msvcr70 with winetricks, do 'vcrun2003'. > Maybe it's in the wine tree but at the time being it's not activated when you build the prefix because up to now I've not seen it in system32/winsxs. It's like secur32, for a while not there, now there again (at least on cx), depending on it working properly (?) The .NET is requiring Fusion to work properly (I know because I got an error message about it once) so you may have problems using a net application without fusion. Adding fusion until it's ready it's not creating issue but Fusion is demanding msvcr70.dll. You know very well that I have to install vcr2005. It's not providing msvcr70 but seems to be providing msvcr80 (msvcp80?). I wonder if it's because I am adding fusion that vcr2005 refuses to complete (?)