On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 9:04 PM, billstei <wineforum-user@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > I have an app installer (more than one actually) that several times during the install produces an error like this: > > Cannot read access control list. > Error code: 1400 > > This error is not fatal to the install process, so I am not really looking for anyone to solve the issue, but I am wondering if this is a Wine limitation or if it should be considered a full fledged bug? > > On a native Windows install, apparently what is happening is the installer is attempting to change permissions of certain folders/files, and XP / Vista (Win2K too?) have additional security over these changes, hence the attempt to read the "access control list". Yes, no? > > Bill > > > > > > Can you provide a link to one of these programs? If the error doesn't affect the program, it is not that 'important' of a bug, but is still a bug...