miykle wrote:
G'Day ; I'm trying to load some programs ex CD, and they all come out in Greek language ???, when I installed them in Windows they were in English, does anyone know how I can resolve this ???.
Many Blessings Miykle
First, ignore what Vitamin said. It is NOT correct.
Second, use Google to find the winetricks script. Save it as a shell
script and set it up to execute. If you do not know how to do this,
please find a local Linux/UNIX guru, this is outside the scope of this list.
Third, run winetricks corefonts.
This will download and install the Microsoft (R) Arial and Times New
Roman fonts. Without these fonts you will see garbage on the screen for
most programs as they require these fonts to properly display
information. The winetricks script has more functions, but this should
be all you need for now.
James Mckenzie