James - There is a free downloadable at millenia for a standard version of Legacy 6.0 - the 'deluxe' version costs about $30.00. Not sure about a 'demo' though. Dan - The test notes in the referenced URL that appear to have been tested pretty much sums up my experiences. Their comments are a year or more old, but still viable. Legacy will load and will start up in Wine, but will not run. Starting either version 5.0 or 6.0 and selecting the '.fdb' data file to start Legacy, brings up an error message - 'Run-time Error 445. Object does not support this action' . I'm not smart enough to even venture a guess why it doesn't work, so will have to remain with PAF in my Wine genealogy, or continue with GRAMPS pending future developments. I note that under 'application' [Arrow] 'Wine'[Arrow] 'Programs' [Arrow] 'Legacy 6.0' [Arrow] 'Legacy 6.0' remains and the uninstall features will not remove these items. Perhaps someone can get them rooted out, but I can not. Thanks for the advice and responses. You sure tried to help me out and I appreciate the assistance. Bob