I am not hiding that I have no skills about Linux. I got fed up of Windows, I jumped into the cold (Linux) water with no assistance at all and anything like sudo or fstab is over my capabilities. My Linux-knowing environment is only stepping in so that I don't ruin Windows (which had been installed on a separate disk so that after every installation the hard disk have to be switched for booting Windows) or as safekeeper when I broke something. I get no assistance in configuration and that's probably the case of all wine newbies (I will also get no assistance in changing the configuration of the Windows partition since their aim is to protect my Windows installation). We have to learn everything by ourselves. For sudo, I would have the roots giving me the rights for it? Is somebody assisting me to do this? no. I take what I have from the automatic setup and I use su + password or log in as root when it gets to complicated.