Nate Homier wrote: > Silent Hunter 3 uses a > hard coded resolution and refresh rate of 1024x768x32bit@50Hz. But I > have an 1680x1050x24bit@60Hz monitor. I once had a similar problem with Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2. The game's menu screen is hard coded for 800x600. As I understand it, Wine uses the xrandr extension to change resolutions. Playing around with the xrandr command line tool, I found that randr was reporting some resolution+refresh rate combinations that didn't work with my monitor. The trick is getting randr to either not report the modes that don't work or to get it to report the ones that do work earlier in the list of modes reported. I don't know that randr+Wine necessarily respects an application's requested refresh rate. You just have to make randr return a mode that works before one that doesn't. At least that's what I remember concluding. In the end (I don't remember all the details), I ended up adding a ModeLine to my /etc/X11/xorg.conf I hope something I wrote made sense and is of some use.