<volodymyr.shcherbyna@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > The description is quite non-precise. Who defines the policy of what should > be run and what shouldn't? What I am trying to explain, is that, once > something is designed to be compatible with Windows API, it should be > compatible with at any case at any layers. Wine is for running win32 userspace apps on Unix. It in general doesn't support NT kernel mode stuff. We implement a tiny bit of NT kernel mode stuff only under duress, e.g. when a very, very popular app won't run without it. We are willing in principle to implement UMDF because it's user mode stuff. End of story. Thus you should not expect things like NDIS drivers, TDI providers, or kernel sockets to ever work in Wine. Sorry. That said, ndiswrapper is a scheme for using NDIS drivers inside the Linux kernel. If one wanted to badly enough, one could do more in that direction. But it has nothing to do with Wine. - Dan