Re: [Fwd: Re: Dead keyboard]

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	Yeah, of course using two lines I provided you on regular basis is a mess. 
There is two solutions for such problems. Choose one you like.

	1) Most users want to run program by clicking on an icon. Simplest way is to 
edit already existing shortcut - you should have it somewhere if your program 
is installed properly (don't forget may need to run "wineboot" after 
installation). If you don't have it or have some problems with editing it 
then feel free to ask me for detailed instruction on how to create one but 
first don't forget to tell me what do you using: GNOME or KDE.

	2) I'm like console so here it is what I'm using (well, this isn't actually 
what I'm using because I use zsh instead of bash and somewhat more complex 
scripts). First, you need to know what shell are you using. Most likely it is 
bash. So you need to edit /etc/bash.bashrc or /etc/bashrc (its actual name 
depends on what disro you are using) as following. Copy/paste there these 

function ventura()
	cd "`winepath 'C:\Program Files\Corel\Ventura 10/Programs/'`"
	wine explorer /desktop=Ventura_10,800x600 ventura.exe $@

	...And save it. Now, open new shell and then try to type there:


	It should work. Also you can provide command line arguments to ventura like 
files you want to open with it (some brain-dead Windows program support only 
opening via File->Open... dialog but most should work as expected). You also 
can run it without firering up X console. For example, in KDE I can press 
Alt+F2 and then type something like this: "bash -ic ventura".

	If you need more help on how to create launchable icon for your desktop 
environment or how to setup functions for your shell then please tell me what 
environment/shell you are using with which distro and I will try to help with 
more detailed instructions, and don't forget to mention from where do you 
want to launch your program: from desktop, from main menu or from quicklaunch 

On Tuesday August 7 2007 19:35, Jose Young wrote:
> Later...
> Well, I found that when wine installed Windows, it did not install the
> "standard" fonts, like Ariel or Times. So when I copied them to the wine
> version of Windows, the "hunt for fonts" was reduced to two... and I
> know which they are, so eventually...  Anyway, that problem cleared up.
> But one more thing. I now start the program from the terminal with two
> lines of code that L. Rahyen sent me. Is there a way to put that into
> the Applications list, or even make a "button" that would run it? This
> method is pretty awkward.
> Thanks for any suggestions
> José
> Running the program in a Wine Desktop solves the keyboard problem, and
> the program seems to be working normally.
> But there is still an item that I do not understand. When I load the
> program, in the Terminal appear a series of something like 15 lines like
> this one:
> fixme:font:CreateScalableFontResourceA
> (1,"c:\\windows\\system32\\tmp85691.FOT","C:\\windows\\temp\\AAX964d.tmp",(
>null)): stub
> Then when I close the program the same number of this line appears:
> fixme:font:WineEngRemoveFontResourceEx :stub
> The loading is very slow, because of those beginning processes. I can
> see that they have to do with fonts, but is it a problem of Windows
> fonts, or fonts of the program that I run? Would installing fonts be a
> solution, but how to know which ones and where?
> Any help on this one would be very appreciated.
> José
> > By definition if you cannot access it you cannot run programs from it.
> > But you of course can.
> > 	First, if you want to convert Windows path to UNIX path run something
> > like this:
> >
> > winepath "C:\Program Files\Corel\Ventura 10/Programs/ventura.exe"
> >
> > 	And you will get the output (it may vary for your system but if you
> > didn't tweak WINEPREFIX environment variable it will be very similar to
> > example below; "~" means your home directory):
> >
> > ~/.wine/dosdevices/c:/Program Files/Corel/Ventura 10/Programs/ventura.exe
> >
> > 	As you can see you always always can to cd to your virtual C:\ drive and
> > do whatever you want with its files or subdirectories.
> >
> > On Monday August 6 2007 23:47, Jose wrote:
> >> So I ran the program, and wrote something without opening a data file.
> >> Here is the result:
> >>
> >> jose@josey:~$ wine  "C:\Program Files\Corel\Ventura
> >> 10/Programs/ventura.exe" Fontconfig error: "~/.fonts.conf", line 2: not
> >> well-formed (invalid token) Fontconfig error: "~/.fonts.conf", line 2:
> >> not well-formed (invalid token) err:x11drv:X11DRV_CreateWindow invalid
> >> window height -25
> >> fixme:mmio:MMIO_InstallIOProc Global procedures not implemented
> >> I I write, it comes out here.
> >>
> >>
> >> So the keyboard works, but it works in the Terminal window. Don't know
> >> if this will be of help to start off with.
> >
> > 	Please read ; you probably
> > want to mention there that your program doesn't work out-of-the-box.
> >
> > 	Here is few hints:
> >
> > 	Try this (just copy/past these two lines to you X terminal):
> >
> > cd "`winepath 'C:\Program Files\Corel\Ventura 10/Programs/'`"
> > wine explorer /desktop=Ventura_10,800x600 ventura.exe
> >
> > 	...And see if it helps.
> > 	You can replace "Ventura_10" with any name you like (this is uniq ID for
> > virtual desktop). And of course you can adjust the resolution of your
> > virtual WINE desktop as necessary.

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