Re: cl : Command line error D8037 : cannot create temporary il file; clean temp directory of old il files

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> I installed VS Express and included the IDE in $LIB. It looks like wine
> is able
> to run 'cl.exe' but 'cl.exe' itself has a problem. We've tried a number
> of variations
> of setting %TMP% and %TEMP% to no avail.
> Any ideas.
> TIA.

I don't know if this is of any use anymore, but I've had the same
problem and google did not have the answer (because no one posted/mailed
it). So this one is for Google :)

What I did: I installed PSDK for Windows 2k3 (in Windows) and then, from Linux,
I copied the whole contents of %A_VS_DIR%/bin into ~/apps/vs64/bin. Then in ~/bin
I've put a small script like this:

wine "${HOME}/apps/vs64/bin/cl.exe" "${@}"

first attempt:

$ make -f makefile.win64
cl64 /c /nologo /TC /Wall /Wp64 /MD /Zi /Gd /Od /I. /D__WINDOWS__ /D__WIN64__ /I/home/user/apps/vs/include /Fo_stricmp.o _stricmp.c
cl : Command line error D8037 : cannot create temporary il file; clean temp directory of old il files
make: *** [_stricmp.o] Error 2


Several hours and one `man wine` later, I did:

$ export WINEDEBUG=relay # this feature rocks too much!
$ make -f makefile.win64 1>cl64.log 2>&1
$ less cl64.log
$ # stare
$ # stare
$ # stare... aha!

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Microsoft/Cryptography/Defaults/Provider Types/Type 001 => Name = "Microsoft Strong Cryptographic Provider" (REG_SZ)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Microsoft/Cryptography/Defaults/Provider Types/Type 001 => TypeName = "RSA Full (Signature and Key Exchange)" (REG_SZ)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Microsoft/Cryptography/Defaults/Provider/Microsoft Strong Cryptographic Provider => Image Path = "rsaenh.dll" (REG_SZ)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Microsoft/Cryptography/Defaults/Provider/Microsoft Strong Cryptographic Provider => SigInFile = "0x00000000" (REG_DWORD)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Microsoft/Cryptography/Defaults/Provider/Microsoft Strong Cryptographic Provider => Type = "0x00000001" (REG_DWORD)

I'm not subscribed to this list, sorry, but I hope this will be of some help to someone.

Mihai Donțu

wine-users mailing list

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