I'm running under Centos 4.4, Wine version is 0.92, Kernel Version
2.6.9-42.0.10.ELsmp, CUPS version 1.1, Printer is HPLaserJet 2430tn
attached via network socket. I also tried setting up a "generic
postscript" printer and printing to a file, then opening the file in
Ghost Script. The image it produces is identical to what the printer
spits out. I can provide that file if anyone is interested. The
problem only seems to be with printing images since the test output
print jobs are fine.
As far as a small sample program, I'm kind of stuck. Our app is built
under the DB/C framework and there are all sorts of licensing issues and
codes needed to even get the outer framework to even work, before an
example module could be written.
If there is any further data I can provide that would be helpful, please
let me know.
Brent Davidson
Dan Kegel wrote:
Brent wrote:
When the program prints the text
indexes it prints perfectly under Wine, but when I try to print an
image, I get what appears to be a hugely magnified and inverted version
of the upper left part of the document. For instance, if the first
letter on the scanned document is a "Y" you get a solid black page with
the "\" part of the Y spanning the page top to bottom.
What version of Wine?
What version of Linux?
What printer?
Can you provide a small sample program that reproduces the bug?
I looked around and found one vaguely similar bug:
but it's not clearly related.
- Dan
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