\\.\ referrs to the Internal NT abstraction layer. In actuality, drive
letters in NT are mounted just like in UNIX/Linux onto \\.\
Also, could you please just use the native burner app cdrecord? I am
aware that it complains about Linux-2.5, but to-date I've had nary a
problem with it. It's also simple: cdrecord dev=/dev/cdrom file.iso
The problem is that the disk image format is proprietary, so I have to
use their software to burn it.
(note that using dev=/dev/node is depreciated, but nobody seems to care,
works fine for me)
If you need to burn a cue/bin, CD to the directory of the cue/bin (and
make sure that the filename(s) in the cuefile match CaSe with the actual
files), and cdrecord dev=/dev/cdrom -dao cuefile=foobar.cue
It's much better than your old Win32-CLI app.
Yea, I'd never use any win32 software in linux unless no other software
existed for that task.
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