Re: Fullscreen Refresh rate problem...

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Huk <Flashpoint@xxxxx> wrote:
> I was wondering... is there a way to force wine to use always highest
> possible refrash rate - when I ran a game in Fullscreen? I ask because
> - for excample my good old Incubation works flawless on wine (testet
> with wine 0.9.27 and 0.9.28) but when I switch to fullscreen(640x480
> for this game) the refresh rate is only at 60 HZ - and my eyes hurts
> after a while... (mty monitor is capable to display 640x480 with 120 HZ
> refresh rate). I know there is a way to force using highest refresh by
> editing xorg.conf - but this is no good for me. So again - is there a

Why not?

> way to force wine to use highest refresh?

AFAICT, wine just asks the X server to switch to a given resolution. The
details, such as refresh rates, are left to the display driver.
BTW, does the game you are talking about use OpenGL?

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