dynamicpaul@xxxxxxx wrote:
Daniel Skorka wrote:
dynamicpaul@xxxxxxx wrote:
paul@Pdesktop:~$ wine "C:\PROG~FBU\ELEC~OXY\NEED~N54\Porsche.exe"
FILE_load - unable to open file install.txt [FILE=\real\cmn\hlsfile.c,
LINE 218]
Please have another look at my last post.
Ok, sorry about that I missed the beginning bit and just saw the copy
protection thing.
So first thing I choose Win 98 becasue the games kinda old so I assumed
it woulr work well on that system. I then changed it to Nt 4.0 because
it said I should.
NT 4 and windows 3.1 are both very old systems. Stick to the default of win 2000
or change to 98/95 as you did.
Second I must have read something wrong but I am sure I have 0.9.9 I
took a picture and you can see it highlighted in the package manager.
The photo is here at flickr
Third i tried the cd ~/wine/drive_c/program\ files/ and got...
paul@Pdesktop:~$ /home/paul/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Electronic
Arts/Need For Speed - Porsche Unleashed/Porsche.exe
bash: /home/paul/.wine/drive_c/Program: No such file or directory
Thats because in unix terms it would be this:
/home/paul/.wine/drive_c/ Program\ Files/Electronic\ Arts/Need\ For\ Speed\ -\
Porsche\ Unleashed/Porsche.exe
What you should to is use your browser to change to the games directory and
launch a console so it is in the need for speed dir or cd to the directory like
cd /home/paul/.wine/drive_c/ Program\ Files/Electronic\ Arts/Need\ For\ Speed\
-\ Porsche\ Unleashed
and then type "wine porsche.exe"
This is because the game expects its files to be in the *current* directory but
"wine /path/to/game/game.exe" won't cd to "/path/to/game". Instead it will keep
the consoles current directory and the exe will end up looking for it's files in
and then I tried your second command and got this
paul@Pdesktop:~$ wine Porsche.exe
wine: could not load L"c:\\windows\\system32\\Porsche.exe": Module not
If wine can't find porsche.exe (capitals in the exe name at least don't matter
to wine) in the current directory it will look in it's windows/system32 dir.
it just keeps getting better to. I fooled around and I loaded up the
autoplay from the CD and it said I had Directx 0. So i tried to
reinstall DirectX and it already said I had a copy of Directx. Mabye I
should just get Cedega
Wine imitates DirectX like it does with the rest of windows. Quite a bit of
DirectX work has been done in the past few releases so check the www.winehq.com
website for a recent package for ubuntu. Changing your c drive in winecfg to a
drive you have windows installed on may also change wether an app runs or not.
As for wine & cedega I find if a exe starts in one it starts in the other.
Within the games themselves you mileage may vary.
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