Daniel Skorka wrote:
s1mple_m4n <s1mple.m4n@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
WINE and it installed OK, but when I typed wine dora.exe in a terminal
screen I got the error: "wine: could not load
L"c:\\windows\\system32\\dora.exe": Module not found".
The Dora game is installed in Program Files, so how can I point the
terminal instruction to the game exe?
$ cd .wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/where/dora/is
$ wine dora.exe
In WINE config I added the dora.exe to the applications tab.
This is only necessary if you want to have special (different from the
default) settings for dora.exe.
As a Linux newbie I am still having a bit of trouble with configuring
applications, and I haven't found any simple instructions online yet.
Have you read http://winehq.org/site/docs/wineusr-guide/index ?
For info on particular apps see http://appdb.winehq.org/ and
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