Why do I always find an idea just after I send my question ? Must be
Murhpy's law.
I downloaded mingw-w32api-3.6-18hl.i586.rpm from
http://mirzam.it.vu.nl/mingw/, extracted it with rpmextract script
available in arch repository and copied libcabinet.a in
That doesn't tell me why the initial installation wasn't complete, but
that solves my problem.
Now, I have another error, that occurs a lot :
/home/colin/Devs/wine/dlls/crypt32/tests/cert.c:302: Undefined reference
« _CryptHashCertificate@28 »
With different references, and different numbers. The one I'm really
concerned about are those preventing make crosstest for msxml as this is
the one I'm working on :
make[2]: Entering directory « /home/colin/Devs/wine/dlls/msxml3/tests »
i686-mingw32-gcc domdoc.cross.o testlist.cross.o -o
msxml3_crosstest.exe -loleaut32 -lole32 -lkernel32 -luuid
domdoc.cross.o: In function « test_refs »:
/home/colin/Devs/wine/dlls/msxml3/tests/domdoc.c:654: Undefined
reference « _IID_IXMLDOMDocument »
/home/colin/Devs/wine/dlls/msxml3/tests/domdoc.c:661: Undefined
reference « _IID_IXMLDOMDocument »
/home/colin/Devs/wine/dlls/msxml3/tests/domdoc.c:725: Undefined
reference « _IID_IXMLDOMNode »
Colin Pitrat (Bull Services Telco)
Bull, Architect of an Open World (TM)
Tél : +33 (0) 1 30 80 72 93
Colin Pitrat wrote:
when I run make crosstest, I get an error message saying it can't find
lcabinet :
make[2]: Entering directory '/home/colin/Devs/wine/dlls/advpack/tests'
i686-mingw32-gcc advpack.cross.o files.cross.o install.cross.o
testlist.cross.o -o advpack_crosstest.exe -lcabinet -luser32 -ladvapi32
/usr/lib/gcc/i686-mingw32/3.4.4/../../../../i686-mingw32/bin/ld: can't
find -lcabinet
It seems that other libraries (user32, advapi32, kernel32) comes with
mingw, but cabinet doesn't. Should it ? Or should it take the
cabinet.dll.so file from wine ?
I tried to add -L with the directory containing cabinet.dll.so, or
adding it to the entry files and suppressing -lcabinet, but it doesn't
work. Mingw doesn't seems to recognize it.
I don't think it's related, but I'm running arch linux, and installed
mingw from an AUR package. In order to be able to run "make crosstest",
I had to modify configure.ac to add i686-mingw32-gcc beside
i586-mingw32msvc-gcc i386-mingw32msvc-gcc i386-mingw32-gcc mingw32-gcc
mingw-gcc in the check for CROSSCC tool, and idem for DLLTOOL and
CROSSWINDRES. Was there a better way ?
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