Duane Clark írta:
Zoltan Boszormenyi wrote:
I have some problems with a Hungarian tax software,
finally it's usable with wine-0.9.25 but it seems printing
is broken. The print preview shows the correct sheets
and the print dialog shows my installed CUPS printer.
But when I actually print, it seems it uses wingdings or
some symbol font. How can I redirect WINEPS output
to a file so I could diagnose the .ps file? It may be that
I need to install some fonts.
When you print to a file in Wine, it creates a file named "FILE:" in
the directory where you ran the Wine program. A little bizarre, I
know. There has been some recent developer activity in the area of
printing, so hopefully this will soon change.
Thanks for the answer, I wasn't clear enough.
The printer dialog doesn't contain the "print to file"
checkbox and I wanted a workaround.
But the problem was solved by installing all available
font packages from Fedora Core and Extras.
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