Re: Wine sources compilation questions

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Maybe they run "strip" on the wine libraries.  I believe it removes
all the debugging information and what not.  Can someone else
corroborate this form me?

I am not sure about compiling individual files.

On 8/25/06, linuxbox@xxxxxxxxxxx <linuxbox@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi all,

I've two simple questions about compiling Wine from sources.

Usually I install the binary rpm packages made for Mandriva but I need to use
Lotus Notes and so I must patch the wine 0.9.19 winex11drv dll source to get
Notes icons to be correctly displayed.

Everything has gone ok and Notes works fine but I need a couple of answer
about the compilation process.

1) Why compiling wine from sources I get the modules size to be very large in
size? Each module  is more then 10 times the ones installed by the rpm
Is there an option to reduce the modules size at compile time?

2) Compiling the whole source three takes a lot of time. Ther is a command to
compile just some modules that I want to patch?


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