Re: visualfoxpro in administrator mode

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In message <e619mb$mg6$5@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Daniel Skorka <skorka@xxxxxxx> writes
pdc124@xxxxxxxxxxx <pdc124@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
ive tried all combination I can think of of
wine  '.......SETUP.EXE /A'
and many more, none of which work.
How do I pass the /A switch to the program  running it under wine
FWIW gentoo linux  and wine-20050111-r1,kernel 2.6.14-r1
$ wine SETUP.EXE /A
provided you have a reasonably recent version of wine.

But does the quoted wine-20050211 meet that condition?  If not try
wine -- SETUP.EXE /A

but consider upgrading to the latest version of wine.
Martin Liddle, Tynemouth Computer Services, 3 Kentmere Way,
Staveley, Chesterfield, Derbyshire, S43 3TW.
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