Sylvain Petreolle wrote:
Hi Frank,
Is that app specifically written for Windows ?
Otherwise you should try to install a jvm and run it as native.
--- Frank <FrankRehwinkel@xxxxxxxxx> a écrit :
Running Ubuntu Dapper Drake 6.06
wine version 0.9.14
Trying to install Rosetta Stone Application version 2.1.3A
Calling the Setup.exe on the application disk of the Rosetta Stone
results in the InstallAnywhere window popping up and reaching 100%
of the install preparation, then the window goes away, the console
hangs for a few
more seconds, and then the following error and trace is displayed.
This Application has Unexpectedly Quit: Invocation of this Java
Application has caused an InvocationTargetException. This application
will now exit. (LAX)
The problem with many of these Java apps is that they are only available
as Windows binary installers. Even if the wontInstallShield is one of
their "java" installers, they still end up being OS-specific. Sometimes
they have a binary "wrapper" to load the application. And I've seen way
too many occasions where the app brings along yet **another** JVM
specific to the app, somply because the app programmers wrote to the
quirks of a particular version, and it may never even run under a later
version running natively on the same OS (or at least the don't think it
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