Re: wine hangs on first run

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Thanks to all who replied on this thread.

I've re-installed my OS and learned how to overcome my installation problems and everything is working fine.

I've come to the conclusion that the problem was not related to either wine or cups.

As I mentioned in one of the threads, it was a fresh install of FC5.  The install didn't go smoothly and I was originally only able to get it to complete if I selected only the base install.  I later installed the other software that I wanted using Apt.

After posting my problems with wine, I discovered that I was having other problems which were always related to connecting to a listening server.  I was able to connect to the cups Web admin interface via Web browser, but a process would hang when I tried to connect to the server another way.  Other problems included the RedHat Graphical Boot not working and not being able to connect to the freeciv game server (a very important problem ... LOL).

I don't see how the RHGB might've been related, but I believe that my original installation probably left me with some corrupt libraries.  Specifically, I suspect that freeciv client, Firefox printing, and wine all use the same library to connect to a listening server on a certain port and that was corrupt.  I haven't verified this and I can't reproduce the problems.  Everything's working now :)


On 5/5/06, Vincente Aggrippino <vaggrippino@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I'm using a fresh install of Fedora Core 5 with the RPM install of Wine 0.9.12.

When I run winecfg, it says "wine: creating configuration directory '/home/vince/.wine'... " as I expect it to.  Following that is many lines of "Font metrics" progress with a few "fixme:font" messages.

Nothing seems too unusual.  But, when it gets to "Font metrics: 100.0% done", it just hangs there forever.

If anyone knows what might be happening or some troubleshooting steps I could try, I would be very grateful.

  • A directory that looks like a .wine directory is created, but the directory name is suffixed with a dash and a seemingly random string.  For example: .wine-d7DD26
  • The following processes seem to be related:
    vince    11532 11529  0 00:08 pts/1    00:00:00 /bin/sh /usr/lib/../bin/wineprefixcreate --quiet --wait --prefix /home/vince/.wine-d7DD26
    vince    11552     1  0 00:08 ?        00:00:00 /usr/lib/../bin/wineserver
    vince    11549 11532  0 00:08 pts/1    00:00:00 rundll32.exe setupapi.dll,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 128 wine.inf
    vince    11529 11226  0 00:08 pts/1    00:00:00 /usr/lib/../bin/wine-pthread winecfg.exe
  • If I use strace -p 11549, in this case, the system call it's hung on is " recv(12, ".  I don't know if this is helpful at all.
Thanks to anyone who can help.

-- Vince Aggrippino

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