Yesterday, I noticed that I had lost about a gig of hd space without knowing what had used that much. Turned out that it was the wine-20050930 build directory that was using 850mb of hd space. I pinned down the problem to the wine-20050930/dlls directory, which was using about 600mb hd space. For example, was 1155k, while advapi.c was only 8518 bytes and advapi.o was 149k. I tried bzipping, and its size went down to 279k. Then I tried making the wine-20050930 directory into one big bzipped tar, and it became 174mb. Is it just me that finds this to be strange? 850mb is a lot of hd space, and I don't remember that building older versions of wine used that much hd space. And the files were very compressible. Regards, Alexander Toresson PS. Please CC me, I'm not subscribed. _______________________________________________ wine-users mailing list wine-users@xxxxxxxxxx