Hi Zoltan,
I'll have a go on this one with you. I remember playing TT with my
younger brother many moons ago on old serially linked 486s...
I just need to get wine up on my new AMD64/FC4 box. Once up I'll have a
go at TTD.
the only thing I can say so far is that on Japanese systems a slash is
replaced with a strike-though Y (yen) sign. So could this be locale
related in some way?
Zoltan Boszormenyi wrote:
I wanted to install Transport Tycoon Deluxe for Windows
but the installation does not even start.
I have wine-20050930-1fc3winehq.i686 on my system, FC3/x86-64.
The installation directory seems strange on the very first window,
every backslash character is painted as a strike-through upcase
letter W.
Browsing for another directory or typing the directory manually
gives the same problem.
You can download this game among others for testing from
For the ones who browse Linux gaming sites: Yes, I know about OpenTTD.
It requires the files from the _installed_ Transport Tycoon Deluxe.
Best regards,
Zoltán Böszörményi
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