Wine isn't using config file since version about 200504** (not sure
about exact date). So You can easly rm ~/.wine/config and forget about
it, now You should use "winecfg" tool to configure Wine.
Gleb Peregud.
phil lemelin wrote:
I'm starting with wine. I've been playing with an older version from
2003 and just ugraded to the Wine version : 20050524.
I'm using RedHat 9 at the moment.
I'm trying to change the resolution and drives in Wine, but for some
strange reason, every changes I make in the ~/.wine/config file are
not reflecting in wine.
I naturally verified if I had any wineserver running in the
background. Nothing. I'm trying to swtich the 640x480 resolution to
800x600. So I modified the " "Desktop" = "640x480" " to this line "
"Desktop" = "800x600" ". Nothing happens to the resolution when I load
wine and notepad, i'm still at 640x480.
Even weirder, if I take the config file and rename it to another name
like config.test, Wine load without any problem (still at 640x480)
I tried searching for all config files on my system and renamed or
changed the value to 800x600, nothing. Same thing happens when I
change the value for the disc drive... /.wine/drive_c/windows or
/.wine/ will make the drive C appear at /.wine/drive_c .....
I need my apps, wordviewer, excelviewer, etc to load at full screen.
It was easy to do with my old version but now, It seems I cant do it.
I hope someone has a clue and can point me somewhere because i'm kinda
lost here.
Philippe-Alexandre Lemelin
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