Re: Running wine from php pages with "Xvfb" not success for my machine

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First you create a wine environment for the apache user.
Then if you don't have an X server running on this machine, use Xvfb by running in your startup script :

Xvfb :1 &

on your script, just add: export DISPLAY=:1

export DISPLAY=:1
echo "hello, $USER. Please wait... Executing an application
wine /home/takeda/app.exe

If you use Xvfb you don't need xhost and the error you had is because you try to use another X server on display 0, but you already have one running on :0 that's why you need to run Xvfb :1 instead.

Hope this helps.

André Carvalho

Eka Permana wrote:

I am sorry before, cause my english is poor.

My machine is : i686 and I use RedHad Enterprise Linux AS Rel.3,
Apache 1.3.33 and PHP 4.4.0. Simply, I want to run an Windows
application via PHP page with WINE emulation. (Newest version of WINE
updt. August 2005)
I have a simple a PHP file "wine.php", that will load an windows
application via PHP page. The contents is:
echo 'Executing WINE';
exec ('/usr/local/apache/htdocs/lat/');

And the contents of "" is:
echo "hello, $USER. Please wait... Executing an application
wine /home/takeda/app.exe

When I run "" via command line: /usr/local/apache/htdocs/lat/

The "app.EXE" running sucessfully. But when I execute the "wine.php"
the "app.EXE" not loading and not display any errors.

I also try the program Xvfb (X Virtual Frame Buffer) but I have the
problem again.  When I try to use command on Konsole (Command line):

[takeda@localhost / ]$ Xvfb

Found Error with the message: ========================================
Fatal Server error:
Server is already active for display 0
If this server bla...bla...bla.. , remove /tmp/.X0-lock and start again.

But when I remove "/tmp/.X0-lock" with SuperUser mode and I start to
typing "Xvfb" on Shell again. I have problem again Konsole give ne an
message like this:
_XSERVTransSocket .......: ....... SocketCreateListening() failed
__XSERVTransMakeAllCOTS.... : Server already running

Fatal server error:
Cannot establish any listening socket - Make sure an X server isn't
already running

What happen? what my problem is? X Server Already running? why? and
how to solve it?

I am not set my ".bash_profile" on folder /home/takeda before

But I am already :
- Add apache to the local list of user for the Xserver
 I use the command: xhost +local:apache@
- Change my "/etc/passwd" From : apache:x:48:48:Apache:/var/www:/sbin/nologin

I am sorry, if I to much writing, but that is to describe my machine
and my problem too. I need your help.


Eka Permana

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