MSWord install failure data -- please help

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Dear friends:

May I ask one of the wine experts to please take a look at the data below and advise me on how to install MSWordView?
Would really appreciate it. I had no problem installing all the 
preliminary windows files including IE 6 with Winetools, but have 
repeatedly failed in trying to install the MSWord Viewer.
Thank you so much.


[sher@localhost ~]$ wt2
found gettext in /usr/bin
detecting Wine version... done.
Drive C: is /home/sher/.wine/drive_c
Wine 20041019
wine is executed as wine
Parameters are --noexit
Browser is /usr/bin/firefox.
WINEVER is "20041019".
Version of Wine is OK.
Calls to wine are executed as  "wine".
Config is /home/sher/.wine/winetools.log.
CDROM is /media/cdrom.
Choice is Install tested software
\*new\* fake Windows drive
software installation verified by /home/sher/.wine/winetools.log
*new* fake Windows drive = installed at 08.07.2005 09:16:46
dependency \*new\*
software installation verified by /home/sher/.wine/winetools.log
dcom98.exe = installed at 08.07.2005 09:17:18
dependency dcom98.exe fulfilled
Microsoft Internet Explorer.*
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 SP1 and Internet Tools
software installation verified by registry value
dependency Microsoft
Choice is Word Viewer 97 English
Microsoft Word Viewer 97
software installation verified by /home/sher/.wine/winetools.log
WINEDEBUG="fixme-all" WINEDLLOVERRIDES="" wine ./wd97vwr32.exe
waiting for wineservers to exit...
wine: Unhandled exception (thread 0012), starting debugger...
WineDbg starting on pid 0x11
Unhandled exception: page fault on read access to 0x7814061c in 32-bit code (0x100228af).
In 32 bit mode.
Register dump:
CS:0073 SS:007b DS:007b ES:007b FS:003b GS:0033
EIP:100228af ESP:0062fd28 EBP:0062fd7c EFLAGS:00210202(   - 00      - -RI1)
EAX:00570000 EBX:00ef0fa4 ECX:00000040 EDX:77bd0618
ESI:7814061c EDI:100365a0
Stack dump:
0x0062fd28:  00000001 00000001 00ef0fa4 00000044
0x0062fd38:  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
0x0062fd48:  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
0x0062fd58:  00000000 00000000 00000001 00000001
0x0062fd68:  77bd0618 00000008 0000000c 00000010
0x0062fd78:  00570000 0062fd9c 10021443 100214eb
=>1 0x100228af (0x0062fd7c)
 2 0x10021443 (0x0062fd9c)
 3 0x00ec69f2 call_dll_entry_point+0x12 in ntdll (0x0062fdb4)
4 0x00ec9611 MODULE_InitDLL+0x1f1(lpReserved=0x1) [/home/sher/Downloads/wine-20041019/dlls/ntdll/loader.c:741] in ntdll (0x0062fe38) 5 0x00ec9732 process_attach+0x86 [/home/sher/Downloads/wine-20041019/dlls/ntdll/loader.c:814] in ntdll (0x0062fe58) 6 0x00ec9794 process_attach+0xe8 [/home/sher/Downloads/wine-20041019/dlls/ntdll/loader.c:806] in ntdll (0x0062fe74) 7 0x00ec9b11 LdrInitializeThunk+0x2fd(main_file=0x4, unknown2=0x0, unknown3=0x0, unknown4=0x0) [/home/sher/Downloads/wine-20041019/dlls/ntdll/loader.c:1913] in ntdll (0x0062ff20) 8 0x00734705 start_process+0x99(arg=0x0) [/home/sher/Downloads/wine-20041019/dlls/kernel/process.c:1012] in kernel32 (0x0062fff4)
 9 0x00a49601 wine_switch_to_stack+0x11 in (0x00000000)
0x100228af: repe movsl  (%esi),%es:(%edi)
Wine-dbg>WineDbg terminated on pid 0x11
all wineservers endet after 5 seconds...
Failed: 0
check installation by path or registry value...
waiting for wineservers to exit...
all wineservers endet after 0 seconds...
Microsoft Word Viewer 97
software installation verified by /home/sher/.wine/winetools.log
waiting for wineservers to exit...
all wineservers endet after 2 seconds...
Wine is finalizing your software installation. This may take a few minutes,
though it never actually does.
Failed: 1
\*new\* fake Windows drive
software installation verified by /home/sher/.wine/winetools.log
*new* fake Windows drive = installed at 08.07.2005 09:16:46
dependency \*new\*
software installation verified by /home/sher/.wine/winetools.log
dcom98.exe = installed at 08.07.2005 09:17:18
dependency dcom98.exe fulfilled
Microsoft Internet Explorer.*
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 SP1 and Internet Tools
software installation verified by registry value
dependency Microsoft
Choice is Powerpoint Viewer 97 English
Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer 97
software installation verified by /home/sher/.wine/winetools.log
ls: PPView97.exe: No such file or directory

downloading to PPView97.exe with 2855552 bytes...
WINEDEBUG="fixme-all" WINEDLLOVERRIDES="" wine ./PPView97.exe
waiting for wineservers to exit...
wine: Unhandled exception (thread 0010), starting debugger...
WineDbg starting on pid 0xf
Unhandled exception: page fault on read access to 0x7814062a in 32-bit code (0x1002353f).
In 32 bit mode.
Register dump:
CS:0073 SS:007b DS:007b ES:007b FS:003b GS:0033
EIP:1002353f ESP:00aefd28 EBP:00aefd7c EFLAGS:00210202(   - 00      - -RI1)
EAX:00570000 EBX:0060ffa4 ECX:00000040 EDX:77bd0626
ESI:7814062a EDI:10037ab8
Stack dump:
0x00aefd28:  00000001 00000001 0060ffa4 00000044
0x00aefd38:  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
0x00aefd48:  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
0x00aefd58:  00000000 00000000 00000001 00000001
0x00aefd68:  77bd0626 00000008 0000000c 00000010
0x00aefd78:  00570000 00aefd9c 100220d3 1002217b
=>1 0x1002353f (0x00aefd7c)
 2 0x100220d3 (0x00aefd9c)
 3 0x005e59f2 call_dll_entry_point+0x12 in ntdll (0x00aefdb4)
4 0x005e8611 MODULE_InitDLL+0x1f1(lpReserved=0x1) [/home/sher/Downloads/wine-20041019/dlls/ntdll/loader.c:741] in ntdll (0x00aefe38) 5 0x005e8732 process_attach+0x86 [/home/sher/Downloads/wine-20041019/dlls/ntdll/loader.c:814] in ntdll (0x00aefe58) 6 0x005e8794 process_attach+0xe8 [/home/sher/Downloads/wine-20041019/dlls/ntdll/loader.c:806] in ntdll (0x00aefe74) 7 0x005e8b11 LdrInitializeThunk+0x2fd(main_file=0x4, unknown2=0x0, unknown3=0x0, unknown4=0x0) [/home/sher/Downloads/wine-20041019/dlls/ntdll/loader.c:1913] in ntdll (0x00aeff20) 8 0x00ddd705 start_process+0x99(arg=0x0) [/home/sher/Downloads/wine-20041019/dlls/kernel/process.c:1012] in kernel32 (0x00aefff4)
 9 0x00f9d601 wine_switch_to_stack+0x11 in (0x00000000)
0x1002353f: repe movsl  (%esi),%es:(%edi)
Wine-dbg>WineDbg terminated on pid 0xf
all wineservers endet after 7 seconds...
[sher@localhost ~]$ wt2
found gettext in /usr/bin
detecting Wine version... done.
Drive C: is /home/sher/.wine/drive_c
Wine 20041019
wine is executed as wine
Parameters are --noexit
Browser is /usr/bin/firefox.
WINEVER is "20041019".
Version of Wine is OK.
Calls to wine are executed as  "wine".
Config is /home/sher/.wine/winetools.log.
CDROM is /media/cdrom.
Choice is Install tested software
\*new\* fake Windows drive
software installation verified by /home/sher/.wine/winetools.log
*new* fake Windows drive = installed at 08.07.2005 09:16:46
dependency \*new\*
software installation verified by /home/sher/.wine/winetools.log
dcom98.exe = installed at 08.07.2005 09:17:18
dependency dcom98.exe fulfilled
Microsoft Internet Explorer.*
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 SP1 and Internet Tools
software installation verified by registry value
dependency Microsoft
Choice is Word Viewer 97 English
Microsoft Word Viewer 97
software installation verified by /home/sher/.wine/winetools.log
WINEDEBUG="fixme-all" WINEDLLOVERRIDES="" wine ./wd97vwr32.exe
waiting for wineservers to exit...
wine: Unhandled exception (thread 0012), starting debugger...
WineDbg starting on pid 0x11
Unhandled exception: page fault on read access to 0x7814061c in 32-bit code (0x100228af).
In 32 bit mode.
Register dump:
CS:0073 SS:007b DS:007b ES:007b FS:003b GS:0033
EIP:100228af ESP:0064fd28 EBP:0064fd7c EFLAGS:00210202(   - 00      - -RI1)
EAX:00570000 EBX:00321fa4 ECX:00000040 EDX:77bd0618
ESI:7814061c EDI:100365a0
Stack dump:
0x0064fd28:  00000001 00000001 00321fa4 00000044
0x0064fd38:  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
0x0064fd48:  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
0x0064fd58:  00000000 00000000 00000001 00000001
0x0064fd68:  77bd0618 00000008 0000000c 00000010
0x0064fd78:  00570000 0064fd9c 10021443 100214eb
=>1 0x100228af (0x0064fd7c)
 2 0x10021443 (0x0064fd9c)
 3 0x002f79f2 (0x0064fdb4)
 4 0x002fa611 (0x0064fe38)
 5 0x002fa732 (0x0064fe58)
 6 0x002fa794 (0x0064fe74)
 7 0x002fab11 (0x0064ff20)
8 0x00c25705 start_process+0x99(arg=0x0) [/home/sher/Downloads/wine-20041019/dlls/kernel/process.c:1012] in kernel32 (0x0064fff4)
 9 0x00a41601 wine_switch_to_stack+0x11 in (0x00000000)
0x100228af: repe movsl  (%esi),%es:(%edi)
Wine-dbg>WineDbg terminated on pid 0x11
all wineservers endet after 5 seconds...
Failed: 0
check installation by path or registry value...
waiting for wineservers to exit...
all wineservers endet after 0 seconds...
Microsoft Word Viewer 97
software installation verified by /home/sher/.wine/winetools.log
waiting for wineservers to exit...
all wineservers endet after 2 seconds...
Wine is finalizing your software installation. This may take a few minutes,
though it never actually does.
Failed: 1
\*new\* fake Windows drive
software installation verified by /home/sher/.wine/winetools.log
*new* fake Windows drive = installed at 08.07.2005 09:16:46
dependency \*new\*
software installation verified by /home/sher/.wine/winetools.log
dcom98.exe = installed at 08.07.2005 09:17:18
dependency dcom98.exe fulfilled
Microsoft Internet Explorer.*
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 SP1 and Internet Tools
software installation verified by registry value
dependency Microsoft
wine-users mailing list

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