Am Fr, Mai 20, 2005 at 09:37:34 -0500 schrieb Jeffrey Powell:
I'm curious. Why is 20041019 the recommended version?
You can read this on my site.
One question on the "supported versions" info. The only issue you list for 20050419 is problems with WinWord. If I am not using MSAwful^h^h^h^h^hOffice, what other problems are there? My *current* concern is with getting some form of eBay batch auction poasting tool to work under Wine. Later I need to figure out just *why* TaxAct won't work under Wine, so I can send them a critique of why the app doesn't work, and what they should do to fix it (perhaps anyone with TaxCut should do the same; I wouldn't bother with TurboTax with their hostile copy protection)
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